For the last 75 years, India’s labour laws have been caught in a time warp. Outdated and antiquated, most of them served only to perpetuate the stasis that defined the relationship between employers and employees in the country. In the process, the industrial climate was mostly marked by conflict and periodic confrontation between the two major stakeholders in business. It is therefore with great hope that we welcome the new labour codes that are poised to be introduced across various states. By subsuming and amalgamating the many confusing laws and bylaws of the past, they are aimed at simplifying the conduct of business in the country by laying down clear guardrails within which companies will need to operate.
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As companies start preparing for the roll out of the new codes, the implementation will call for a mindset that is different from what existed in the past. Anticipating rather than reacting, focusing on cent percent compliance instead of making corrections along the way, will be the cornerstones of the new approach.
With a view to sharing our reading and understanding of the four new labour codes, we have put together a compendium comprising 3 Knowledge Papers and the report of a recent survey conducted by us on Labour Codes Readiness across the industry.
- Scripting A New Labour Covenant
- A Call To Arms: Complying With Labour Laws In India
- Stepping into a New Era of Labour Reforms
- Labour Code Survey Report on Industry Readiness
We hope you find it engaging and instructive while deciding on the next steps for your businesses.