B.C. Prabhakar, Chairman of BCP Associates and Pooja Prabhakar, CEO and Managing Partner of BCP Associates were invited by NHRD Bangalore Chapter to speak on the implementation of the new Labour Codes and their impact on the industry. In a concise and very well received presentation, Pooja focused on the Financial, Operational, Functional and Employee centric impacts that the codes pose. She also answered certain key CxO FAQ’s that every leader is posing today. Key aspects such as an increase in working capital and possible impact to outflow were discussed. Pooja highlighted the change in risk perception and strategy that will be required once the codes are implemented.
Mr. Prabhakar spoke at length and focused on the key highlights of each of 4 codes with an emphasis on the deviation from the current legal regime, the benefits and short comings of the new law and what the enforcement mechanism will be for the codes. With emphasis on the criminal aspects of prosecution to the question of payment of overtime to managers, the entire breadth and depth of the code was captured.
We shall upload the link to the complete recording once it is made available. In the meanwhile, here is the link to download the presentation – The BCPA Way – New Labour Codes & The Way Forward.